Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hilton Alves Brings the Power of the Ocean to Hawaii School Through Giant Mural

Hilton Alves Brings the Power of the Ocean to Hawaii School Through Giant Mural

With the completion of a giant wave depicted on a 36 feet high mural, marine artist and surfer Hilton Alves celebrated Earth Day 2010 at Kahuku High and Intermediate School on Oahu. Using over 40 gallons of paint, the artist surprised observers day after day with the evolution of the massive mural. "In the early days no one understood anything, because what you saw was a big wall painted in shades of blue. As I began to paint the details, the wave came alive” says the artist. In just five days, Hilton completed this new mural, which depicts the power of nature as a perfect wave and the happiness of sea life as racing dolphins.

Over the two-week period beginning on April 14th, the artist enlisted the help of students to paint a second wall aimed at promoting art and environmental preservation in Hawaii schools. As part of Hilton’s Surf Art Kids Project, students could learn painting techniques, contribute something unique to the school and celebrate Earth Day. Hilton began this wall with an underwater background and students added fishes, turtles, coral and other sea life. "Many students have been inspired by seeing me paint and their inspiration showed on the wall we painted together,” says Hilton.

With the support of the U.S. Army, Kahuku High and Intermediate School, Bob's Equipment, volunteers, and members of the community, Hilton celebrates another step in his international career as an artist. "I thank everyone involved in the Surf Art Kids Project here. The positive energy I received during the days of painting certainly shows in the mural,” concludes the artist. With these two new works, Hilton has completed ten murals in Oahu schools and welcomes the opportunity to spread his project to other schools.

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